FREE SHIPPING in U.S.A. | BackBoard® Skateboards
Regular price $111.00
Regular price $111.00

One Size!

Completely adjustable; BackBoard™ harnesses fit most adults and children. Its polyester webbing perfectly tailors to your body. Can be worn over or under your streetwear.

Mission Statement

Not only does Backboard™ look cool, it’s utility and seamless design are undeniably revolutionary.

Backboard™ completely ties into the nature of skateboarding which is creativity and customization. Skateboarding is not a traditional sport where you wear a uniform and everybody looks the same. The tricks you do, how you look doing them, what you’re wearing, it’s a sport of self-expression.

We like to embody this philosophy at BackBoard™; allowing us to let our imagination thrive while still holding true to what makes skateboarding, skateboarding.

Effortlessly secure a Skateboard to your Back!

What to do with your skateboard when you get to your destination is all too predictable; Hold it, Hide it, or Ride it... But what about Wear it?

We introduce to you our patent pending, Worlds First Wearable Skateboard! BackBoard™

A sleek harness is adjusted and worn, under or over your streetwear. Our harness houses a powerful magnet on your back that correlates to an adjacent magnet seamlessly infused within BackBoard™ skateboard decks.

So, when you're done shredding and pull up to your destination, just take your board and click it to your back for a secure hold.