Behind the Deck Art : High Street

Behind the Deck Art : High Street

“I was fortunate enough to go away to one of the most prestigious universities America has to offer; SUNY Oneonta! AKA: The City of Hills or StonyOnta; as the locals love to call it.) Ironically, it wasn't until I moved off campus did I realize there was an actual street called, you guessed it, High Street! Thinking this was the bee's knees, I grabbed my skateboard and shredded around town prepared to be baffled. I was. But, not for the reason of seeing this glorious street sign. It was the opposite! This street sign was nowhere to be found. I quickly came to find that every street sign commissioned by the town had been stolen! Quickly catching on to the local college students actions, the city decided to neglect replacing the signs indefinitely. I guess you could say, I couldn't do anything about it until now... Long Live High Street! Cheers!” 

Jonathan Rocha, BackBoard Founder/Inventor